Demand Forecasting Review
Andrew Douglas has a practical and pragmatic approach to transport modelling. His understanding of transport model development coupled with his extensive knowledge of user behaviour and the transport systems and land use characteristics in Queensland, northern New South Wales, and the Northern Territory allow him to provide insights that aid the planning and design of individual projects, as well as provide a comprehensive review function.
Andrew Douglas has directed a number of demand forecasting projects, including for:
Airport Link; the largest privately funded infrastructure project in Australia
North South Bypass Tunnel bid
Brisbane Strategic Transport Model
Pine Rivers Shire Council Road Network Study and Transport Infrastructure Charges Schedule
Brisbane Airport Northern Access Road
Caloundra Shire Traffic Model
Hervey Bay City Traffic Model
Livingstone Shire Future Road Network Plan
Rockhampton Future Road Network Plan
Gympie Bypass and Cooloola Shire Traffic Model
Border Region Strategic Road Network Model
Coronation Drive Tidal Flow Bus Lane Forecasting and Economic Assessment
Australia Trade Coast Road Network Planning Study
Eastern Downs Strategic Road Network Plan
Wide Bay Central Integrated Transport Plan 2020
Maryborough CBD Saturn Model
Plenty Road Upgrade Demand Forecasting